Waves roar and groan in the sea of miseries
Where my life sinks and floats
Sometimes, for a breath, I long in the deep
Something then pushes me up and then pulls me down
Waves are mild and slow on this Friday eve
They come and dab the sandy shore
Sooth the aching minds of thousand men
Sitting on the Male’ shore, gazing at the mysteries (miseries) deep
Arnold “saw a note of eternal sadness” in the rising waves
They, but, wipe my grieves away and heals my ailing heart.
Ships swaying in the seamless waves,
Boats dancing in the ocean drifts,
Launches* scudding across,
Planes gliding down.
Cures; it cures,
Oh! Lord.
*Speed Boats
These are few lines jotted on 5 February 2010 sitting at the Artificial beach of Male’, Maldives. I came and sat there to get relieved from the tensions of life; to enjoy a comforting pat of the gentle breeze; to get my agonies washed away by the rising waves. My tension for the day is accommodation.
tensions felt is tip of an ice- berg as behaviour scientists call. they are symptoms(NOT REAL PROBLEMS) .marriage is one method to escalate tension for those who dont have.if that also is not sufficient,they can have children ( remember the song yaayiree..in the hindi movie rangeela)
good piece of work. oncce again poved the doctrine "sweet songs tell about the sadest thought" Sea can be fierce,cold and dark, but soothing and rewarding divers with pearls. nature never betrays the heart that loves her.Be With her and enrich your moment to moments.
sea can give u a soothing effect temporarly but ur thoughts makes it permanent.so take nice thoughts.nice poem with nice feeling
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